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Showing 5 - 10 of 13

Marti in Seattle
- 5.0

Date: 2023-09-15

Project: Tree thinning and removal

Manuel and his crew did a great job and cleanup. His proposal was very fair and and I have no complaints about the work. They were very professional and went above and beyond what I expected. I highly recommend them and will certainly have them back in the future.

Dewey Brown in Seattle
- 5.0

Date: 2023-09-10

Project: Tree removal

Manuel and his team did a great job. They worked safely taking down a big tree in tight quarters. They were on time and very professional. Manuel’s bid was a fair price. We would have them back.

E. Lundgren in Seattle
- 5.0

Date: 2023-09-04

Project: Tree trimming

Fantastic work, fair pricing, and excellent cleanup. Very good guy!

Wilmer correa in Kirkland
- 5.0

Date: 2023-08-30

Project: Tree cut

Very profesinal,after finish very clean the hall area

Chris Bobrowicz in Kirkland
- 5.0

Date: 2023-08-16

Project: Tree trim

Great work and excellent clean up!

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Rodas Tree Service LLC
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